Quick winter meal

I know my photo is crap but this was delicious

OK - oven on. Put the squash in there whole. Scrub the cylindra beetroot- very easy and satisfying. Top n tail these and put on same tray as the squash. Wander off and look in the tractor barn for 20 minutes thinking about fixing things. Come back in and clean the engine oil from your hands. Take that oven tray out and chop up the soft squash and beetroot. Sometimes I take the squash seeds out if the memory of having them stuck in my teeth is fresh, if not I spread them out on the baking tray and they get crispy and nice. Time for salt and oil on that baking tray. Now quickly rinse rocket in a bowl, drain. Grab a raddichio Castelfranco and rip off the outer leaves of wherever you are up to, rest of head back in the fridge. Bed of rocket and Castelfranco on plate, drip some homemade cider vinegar on there from the bottle with mother in it that your mates look worriedly at on the shelf, it’s fine actually. Wander off walking the dog for another 20 mins. When you’re back, you can tip the squash and beetroot onto the plate, grate some cheese and eat.


So you’ve joined a CSA, how do I prepare my meals now?


Kalibos coleslaw