Money off vouchers below

You can use any gift voucher codes listed below at the checkout when buying veg shares:

updated 16th Mar 2025

£100 voucher - Please use code GCYXXRTC7AC5JVUC at the checkout.

£25 voucher - Please use code GCUWA3MJ85RQ2AJ8 at the checkout. Message: hope you will enjoy these vegetables :)

£50 voucher - Please use code GCK8R8FS7QTL9333 at the checkout.

£10 voucher - Please use code GCAMPW32CE7LWWUN at the checkout.

£25 voucher - Please use code GCBW5FPL6Z9LHS4C at the checkout.

£25 voucher - Please use code GCFJADQP9FTQCFU9 at the checkout.

£50 voucher - Redemption Code: GCEBDD8JG5EVSJ6K Message: Enjoy!

£25 voucher - Redemption Code: GCUF375JRDM5WNXN

You can give a regular or one off donation to subsidise veg shares for others. This uses the gift card function on this website, so you can leave the name blank, put my email (heron @ in the recipient address on the form and please feel free to write a message if you like.

Any Qs about the Community Pot please get in touch. Any suggestions on improvement, please lettuce know.